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Our Mission

Gateway to BETTER basketball!

As former Elite Athletes turned Coaches, we offer a wealth of knowledge for youth basketball players, coaches, and parents. Our in-house leagues, skills and drills training sessions and Elite 1:1 training provide athletes with a gateway to better basketball.


We are dedicated to developing girls and boys to be confident individuals both on and off court, while supporting both the physical and mental well-being of our young athletes. Our goal is to provide young athletes with the gateways to achieve their athletic goals. 


Summer Camp  Details

Our summer basketball camps are strictly designed to accommodate ONLY those players who are committed and serious about improving their overall skills and getting better. Our camps are challenging, but yet fun for all attendees.

Benefits of attending CCH Summer Camps

  • PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT. At CCH, we are all about skills development and helping our attendees maximize their potential. Our is that you come out of our camps better than when you came in. We put players in positions where it will help the coaches to expose/identify individual weaknesses, and we work together to improve their techniques and weaknesses. 

  • TACTICAL INSTRUCTION. Our goal at summer camps is to pay attention to every players and their game. Our camp drills will focus on workouts that are designed to target and enhance specific skill sets while putting emphasis on overall fundamentals. Each player will be put in situational drills that will help them with their confidence, attitude, skills and playmaking. These drills include one-on-one situations, fast break situations, two-on-two situations and much more.

  • Fundamental skill work and competitions

  • Structural Training Stations and Competitions

  • Refereed games and tracking

  • CCH Reversible Jersey and bag

  • Refereed games and Game tracking

  • Individual player & team photo shoot

  • Games results and standing (Online)

  • Playoffs and Championship Game

  • End of Camp awards: MVP (Most Valuable Player, M.I.P. (most improved player), Best Sportsmanship Player, Defensive player of the Camp.


This camp is designed for young enthusiastic players who are looking to learn FUNdamental basketball skills while enjoy learning essential techniques. Attendees will learn and develop individual basic skills like ball-handling (stationary & on-the move), shooting, defense and passing. All camps include strength & conditioning, speed & agility workout and competitive games. On the last day of camp, teams will be formed and a 3X3 tournament will take place.


This camp is designed for player who are already playing in organized basketball. We challenges players to get out of their comfort zones and develop greater confidence and skills ability. With our challenging drills, players will be able to develop consistent shooting while improving on their ability to create plays individually & for teammates. Players will develop proper shooting skills in all positions (point guard to center), proper footwork and adopt the ability to defend perimeter and inside shooting. Drill will include shooting, catch & shoot, dribble pull-ups, drive & dish out, inside shooting (in the paint), outside shooting (3 point), off screen shooting, flare shooting, post scoring/moves(drop steps, power moves, positioning, jump hooks, mikan, up & under), rebounding techniques and more. Players will also learn how to get open with minimal effort and how to properly feed the post. All camps include strength & conditioning, speed & agility workout and competitive games. On the last day of camp, teams will be formed and a 3X3 tournament will take place.


This camp is designed for all types of players and positions. Players are taught various developmental skills based on their individual skill sets. Players are taught skills related to ball handling, shot selections, various layup drills, contact finishes, mid-range shots and much more. Players will also learn how to feed the post, play post and rebound. All camps include strength & conditioning, speed & agility workout and competitive games. 

Waiver and Release Liability

In considering of being allowed to participate in CAPITAL CITY HOOPS PROGRAMS and related events and activities, the undersigned acknowledges, appreciates and agrees that:

1. The risk of injury from the activities involved in this program is significant, and while particular rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce this risk of serious injury does exist; and,

2. I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of CAPITAL CITY HOOPS, referees, volunteers, agents and/or employees, other players or participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the CAPITAL CITY HOOPS program and any related events and/or activities (the “Releases*), and assume full responsibility for my participation; and,

3. I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation. If, however, I observe any unusual significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such to the attention of the nearest official immediately, and,

4. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, hereby release and hold harmless the releases, with respect to any and all injury, disability, or loss or damage to person or property, whether caused by the negligence of the releases or otherwise.

5. I further agree to irrevocably grant CAPITAL CITY HOOPS, and their affiliated Provincial Sports Organizations or assigns, the perpetual unlimited world-wide and royally free rights to record, reproduce, broadcast, exhibit, publish, sell, distribute or use in any way whatsoever, my name and likeness in any media, whether now known or hereafter developed, in connection with my attendance and participation in the CAPITAL CITY HOOPS program, including without l imitation a videotape recording of such performance. I agree that I shall have no claim, title or interest in my attendance or participation or any materials produced hereunder.

This is to certify that I, as parent/guardian with legal responsibility for this participant, do consent and agree to his/her release as provided above of all Releases, and, for myself, my heirs, assigns and next of kin, I have read this waiver and release of liability, fully understand its terms and agrees to indemnify the Releases from any and all liabilities to my minor child’s involvement or participation in the program as provided above.

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