Gateway to BETTER basketball!
Grades: KG to 4
Boys & Girls: 5 to 9 years old
North Side Location: Ecole Pere-Lacombe
10715 131A Avenue NW
Saturdays 2:00pm to 3:00pm
South Side Location: Garth Worthington School
351 Chappelle Dr. SW
Sundays 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Grade: KG to 4
Boys & Girls: 4 to 9 years old (coed)
Our Kid's basketball program - is a beginner/introductory program that is designed to be fun, safe and convenient. It is a year-round program that is intended for boys and girls between 5 to 9 years old. This program is a fun-play based and non-competitive training sessions that encourages engagement, socialization, discipline and work ethic. Players will also enjoy the benefits of sportsmanship, team chemistry and the value of self-confidence on and off the court. This curriculum is a 50 minute sessions per week and it helps kids to develop passion for the game of basketball in a fostering and positive environment. Players learn the FUNdamental basics of:
Ball Handling
Full Courts Drills & Conditioning
Defensive Positioning
Shooting Technique
Passing Techniques
Age Groups
5 to 7 Years Old (coed boys & girls)
7 to 9 Years Old (coed boys & girls)
Skills Required:
Rookie (beginner) to Starter (little experience)
Monthly Training Packages
8 Weeks / 8 Sessions (including games)
Fall Season (September to November)
Winter Season (January to March)
Spring Season (April to June)